Tuesday, March 9, 2010

In Sydney!!

Hey yall!  We are finally in Sydney, Australia!  After about 20 hours total flying time and lots of chips & salsa in both Denver and LA airports (I fell off my diet), we are in our hotel!  I surprisingly slept quite a bit on the flight over.  Mama slept a ton!  I met an Australian sitting next to me and we talked nonstop for about 2 hours on the flight!  He was awesome and taught me some words people say over here like “Mate” and “bloke”!  He taught me lots more but I cant remember them now.  I was trying to focus on what he was saying but I was pretty tired by the end of that 2 hours.  He kept apologizing for keeping me awake but I was enjoying learning the accent and about the country.  

We had dinner last night and breakfast this morning on the plane.  For dinner we had chicken, rice, veggies & an oatmeal cookie.  I don’t really remember dinner though.  I was half asleep by the time we got dinner.  For breakfast we had eggs and potatoes and banana bread.  I ate some eggs and I had an apple I’d packed in my carryon. 
Speaking of apple, when we landed in Sydney, they had a dog sniff all of our luggage.  The dog found an apple in Gary’s (guitar player) bag and he had to go through this LONG, special security that no one else did!!  It was kinda funny after the fact but he seemed nervous when they took him to a whole other checkpoint because of an apple!!  The dog started going crazy over my bag too but they didn't search mine.  They asked if I had a dog back home and I said yes and they left me alone.  :)

I was expecting it to be hot here but it’s actually a little rainy and chilly.  I had to stop and buy a sweatshirt because I didn’t pack one.  It’s cute and was just $12.00.

Mama and I walked around our hotel for about an hour just now and stopped and had pizza for lunch at a cute little place across from the beach.  Our pizza was SO good!  I’ve never had a pizza like this but it had sweet potatoes, mushrooms, sundried tomato, goat cheese, and pine nuts on it!  The menu also had a kangaroo pizza!  I don’t think I will try that one while I’m here.

Now, I’m off to grab a coffee somewhere and walk around a little more.  I’m going to try and stay awake for the rest of the day so I can get on the Australian time clock.
I think we are going to eat some fresh seafood tonight. I like fish, especially when I’m on the coast! Well, I just looked up and Mama is asleep on the bed.  I guess our walk is being postponed a little.  I don’t blame her…I might take a nap too!! J

I hope y’all are having a great week so far!  Talk soon!!
“G’Day Mates!!!” (I saw that on a poster in the airport.)



jmusic59 said...

Glad to hear that you guys made it safely there i would love to go there someday i know i would just be in awww for everything over there or should i say down under lol well i hope you have a great time and see lots and take tins of pics be safe and we miss you back here in the states

JRobertsRacing said...

Hey Julie, glad you all had a good trip there, Tell your mom I said hey...watch out for little joey's(baby kangaroos) lol

JRobertsRacing said...

And I forgot to tell ya, AWESOME profile pic !

Norma said...

Glad you guys made there safely. Sounds like you are going to have a lot of fun. Enjoy yourself and forget about your diet! Take lots of photos and share with us! Have fun, Julie!

norina said...

I find it really amusing that even though YOU are in Australia, this blog is dated as yesterday...lol Anyway, you have to try Vegemite on toast..... just a tip, not too much. a little goes a long way... with butter.... so yummy!! love to know what you think of it..lol:)

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it safely! Enjoy the food and the people -- just exercise and drink lots of water and worry about the diet when you get home :)

Take care!
Christine A.

Carrie Sparks McClain said...

Glad you made it safely! Have a great time!

Gococks98 said...

Have a great trip & take LOTS of pictures!

God's Work said...

Thanks for taking us on your trip to Australia. I never got adjusted to using the term MATE when I was there. I think about what it means in the United States and can't call a guy my mate.

Well as they say in Australia, NO WORRIES. Have a nice time.

(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)

Jessie Roesch said...

Miss you!! I hope you come home with an accent!! ;)
Sushi and lots or catch-up when you're back... oh and I'm ready for another workout session, but not those 1,000 mile runs yet...